Sunday 18 February 2007

Sunday - a day of rest!

Well today I’m much better, no anxiety or feelings of nausea and I’m actually enjoying slobbing around the house and feeling lazy. This is something that a naturally anxious person like me finds hard to do! Yesterday my feelings of panic eventually dissipated without having to resort to anything other than my own mind letting the feelings wash over itself. I cancelled the work ‘do’ and although my body felt a little strange for the rest of the day (like a panic attack hangover!), I took no valium and drank no alcohol.

I spent most of the evening relaxing, reading and playing PC games so despite my dramatic start to the day, the rest of it was pretty much normal and for me normal is strange and this is what I have to aspire to!

I have two days left until I see my doctor again, normally I get some anxiety the night before so we’ll see how things pan out tomorrow after a hard day’s work! Well as I’m not feeling any ill effects I think I’m going to leave this here and go out and live a little whilst I can! The thing about my condition is you have to grab the better moments when you can!