Monday 12 March 2007

Tell me why, I don't like Mondays!

Well it's been a while but this morning one of my schemas was 'activated' and that has caused me to become angry and some anxiety kicked in! Basically I seem to have a problem with loud or sudden noises, often my flatmate makes me jump (he's very light-footed!) but that's not the problem. The big problem however is that noises that I cannot control such as grinding from tool machinery or hammering or loud motorbikes often set me off and that's what happened just now! This morning I didn't feel too good and decided to go into work late as I've had a cold for a couple of days and in the interest of looking after myself I decided that I needed to rest more than usual. I made the obligatory phone call to advise of my situation and went back to bed feeling that I'd benefit from a little sleep and be able to work the rest of my day better. Just as I was nodding off, the grinding sound of tool machinery started to flank my ears and that set me off into a miniture rage and I started cursing and swearing at the world for making my life unbearable. Now I'm feel calmer but I can still feel some frustration seeping through my veins and I also feel guilty for getting annoyed with something I know is not unreasonable or directed at me! What a start to the week! I have to remind myself that this is only a setback and is doesn't reverse all the great work I've done so far!